Sabrina and Patrick were supposed to go on a date but Britta called Patrick and said she needed his support at the clinic to get the abortion so he went with her, while Sabrina stayed at home to babysit Emma. At the abortion clinic, Britta manipulated Patrick into agreeing that if she had the baby, he would try to be a part of his/her life. This is seriously the most boring storyline ever. I so don’t care. I’m not a fan of Patrick’s to begin with so I really have no interest in whether or not he gets together with Sabrina or if the baby Britta is carrying is really his or if he ends up with Britta after all. And why the hell did GH need to bring in another OB/GYN? Where the hell is Kelly?

Elizabeth reads AJ the riot act for warning Nikolas away from her. He makes a remark about how she fell quickly into his bed once, what’s to stop her from doing it again? Elizabeth “breaks up” with AJ, as much as you can break up with someone you only went out with on one date. Elizabeth’s confrontation was hilarious but damn, when AJ lashed out with the “quick to bed” insult, I was all “DAMN, boy! Oh no, you didn’t!”

AJ wants to set up a make up date with Elizabeth so he asks Carly for a table at the Metro Court. While there, AJ and Sonny get into a verbal then physical fight. AJ was asking for it, quite honestly.

NuLulu is still hiding out at Milo’s but only he and Max know this. NuLulu did call Dante to let him know that she was okay but wouldn’t tell him where she was. You know, maybe Dante should try being the guy who got Lulu to fall in love with him in the first place, not the overbearing, intense husband he’s being now.

Johnny calls Konnie to the prison. Apparently, there’s some prison scam going on with online poker and rich college kids and Morgan is caught up in it so he’s trying to warn someone. They’re SORAS’ing Morgan and bringing him home. Exactly how much older are they going to make him? Or was putting him at Vanderbilt their way of aging him?

Ellie used Spinelli’s knowledge of hacking to gain access to Maxie’s medical records, even though the first time she tried, Britta caught her and threatened to turn her in. Maxie also told her to mind her own business. God, I really hate this storyline too. Ellie has no business meddling, and for her to do so just makes her the most annoying character ever. And when she does eventually find out the truth, she is going to be in for a world of hurt. What I really hope is that once she and Spinelli find out about the baby’s true parentage, that she and Spinelli decide to raise the baby together. Her issue is that she doesn’t want to have kids because she doesn’t want to bring a child into this world the way that it is. She doesn’t hate babies; she just doesn’t want to have any. So, since she technically didn’t bring this baby into the world, she should have no problems raising it. Right?

Spinelli’s off trying to find Lauren Frank, the missing Q heir.

AJ and Tracy are in a fight over Pickle Lila. Nikolas agrees to fund Tracy.

Okay.  I am done with the recapping.  I’m still watching the show and I might chime in from time to time to express my displeasure about a storyline, but otherwise, it’s over.

Thanks for reading.

I’m going by storyline rather than scene by scene.

Dante is on the phone with Anna, talking about checking bus depots, airport terminals, etc. He doesn’t know where NuLulu could’ve gone.Maxie knocks on Dante’s door and storms in, talking about her job and what not. Dante tells her that NuLulu is missing. He fills her in on the amnesia. She offers to help find NuLulu, but he sends her to work.

NuLulu wakes up in a strange bed. Turns out, she’s at Milo’s. Poor Milo. Getting his hopes up with NuLulu, only in time to get shot down. Unless the writers are going to go the Jason Q/Morgan route with NuLulu. They discuss the night before (she fills him in on the amnesia, he offers to let her stay at his place for the night). They didn’t have sex.  She realizes her wedding ring is missing. Milo goes to the Floating Rib to get it. She “spyder searches” herself and sees a wedding picture of her and Dante. There’s a knock on the door of Milo’s apartment.

AJ and Michael are in the kitchen at Kelly’s, cooking up batches of PickleLila. They’re trying to figure out the missing ingredient. Shawn tells them that he tried when he was in the military but couldn’t figure it out. They offer to cut Shawn in on the profits if he helps them. Tracy comes in and tries to get Shawn to buy off on Pickle Tracy. AJ and Michael crow from the kitchen that they already have him on board for PickleLila. Tracy says they don’t have the recipe. AJ and Michael says that they reconstructed it. Tracy says they don’t have the secret recipe. They say they do. She doesn’t believe it. She tastes it but it’s not PickeLila.  ELQ is unfrozen so they’re good to go. Tracy stomps out and realizes she needs an investor. She sees a picture of Nikolas and rushes off to see him. Shawn finds out that a store in Little Kabul (there’s a town in PC called Little Kabul?) that has the spices they need. Michael agrees to go with him. AJ wants to run the recipe by Elizabeth. Elizabeth shows up and is about to give AJ a piece of her mind.

Tracy shows up at the Floating Rib, telling Mac that she has a proposition for him. He leaves Felicia to look over bridal stuff and she find a ring in the beer nuts. Mac won’t sign a contract for PickleTracy. Tracy leaves in a huff. Felicia is excited about the ring. Mac swears he didn’t put the ring there. Maxie comes in, sees the ring, and tells them it’s NuLulu’s. They call Dante. Mac gets off the phone and says the bartender from last night saw NuLulu leave with a tall, dark haired guy. In walks Milo, who cringes when he sees Dante.

Spinelli and Ellie are saying goodbye at the hospital before he has to leave to go find Lauren Frank. They discuss the Maxie/Dante/Lulu/baby issue more. They agree to table the discussion until he comes back. He leaves. A doctor asks Ellie for her help in finding a lab result on the computer. She tells him it hasn’t run its course yet. It should be ready in 30 minutes. He gets a phone call and leaves the computer logged in. She uses this to snoop into Maxie’s files. The computer pulls out that little spinning hourglass. Isn’t it wonderful to learn that a hospital is running on Windows 98? In case you’re wondering, the 10th floor has, according to the screen above Spinelli’s head:
Operating Room
Post Op/Recovery Room
Intensive Care Unit

Elizabeth takes Nikolas’ pants so that he won’t leave the hospital. Nikolas tells Elizabeth about AJ’s threat to stay away from her. She’s not happy about it. She’s railing against AJ when Tracy comes in. She tells Elizabeth that AJ is at Kelly’s. Elizabeth leaves. Nikolas tells Tracy that he will give her 5 minutes of his undivided attention if she will just give him his pants.

Kelly’s Diner
Michael tells Carly that Brenda’s left Port Charles.

Sonny confronts Brenda about sleeping with Michael.

GH – 10th Floor Nurses Station
Felix is about to be off shift. He invites Patrick to come with him to meet Sabrina at the Floating Rib. Patrick can’t because he has patients. Felix tells him that Sabrina isn’t going to wait for him forever. He leaves. Patrick gets a text from Britta but he ignores it.

Floating Rib
Sabrina runs into Milo. He was waiting for Max. Milo apologizes again for deleting the voice mail. He assumes that there’s nothing in the way of her and Patrick.

GH – 10th Floor Elevator
Patrick reads the text from Britta. She’s setting up the abortion for tomorrow. NuLulu and company gets off the elevator. Patrick’s glad to see her. NuLulu doesn’t know who he is. Dante explains about the amnesia. Laura asks Patrick if he can help.

Floating Rib
Sabrina tells Milo that he’s got nothing to be sorry about and they both agree to wipe the slate clean. Sabrina tells Milo that someday, he’ll find someone who loves him. In the background, Konnie has shown up. Oh lord, please, NO. Do not pair him up with her. Milo does not need Sonny’s left overs.

GH – Nikolas’ Room
Scott informs Nikolas that he and Laura are getting married. Nikolas senses that there are some concerns though. Scott in annoyed that anytime there’s a family crisis, Laura turns to Luke. Nikolas agrees that he doesn’t understand what Laura sees in Luke, but Luke has never pretended to be someone he’s not and Laura accepts that. He also says that while he doesn’t hate Luke, they have enough people in common to try to co-exist civilly towards each other. His advice to Scott is to do what Luke never could, which is to stick around and be there for Laura.

GH – 10th Floor Hallway
NuLulu agrees to submit to tests. Patrick leads her to an examine room. She balks when Dante wants to come with her. Dante pleads with her not to shut him out. Patrick pulls Dante aside and tells him that it’s putting pressure on NuLulu. Luke tells Dante to go blow off steam. He leaves. Laura wonders about NuLulu. Helena brainwashed Lucky, so why wouldn’t Stavros be able to pull of the same stuff? Luke assures Laura that NuLulu has them so she’s sure to get better. They hug.

Kelly’s Diner
Michael asks if Carly’s happy that Brenda’s leaving. She is but mainly because it means that Brenda won’t be able to take advantage of him. Michael tells Carly that it was all a set up. Carly is even more pissed.

Sonny doesn’t believe Brenda. She admits that she lied to piss off Carly. She also admits that she love Sonny and always will.

Floating Rib
Konnie asks the bartender for a scotch and soda. Milo is somewhat freaked out. Konnie says hi. He says “Kate?” She says “Connie.” He says good-bye, and in his haste to leave, trips over the bar stool. She assures him that she’s not the Connie that jumped his bones. He’s relieved to hear that. I’m all “who in the what now?” because apparently, I missed a good chunk of storyline. She promises to use small words and tell him how it is exactly that she’s not Kate or Connie.

GH – 10th Floor Hallway
Scotty comes off the elevator and sees Laura. They hug. She says they just got back and fills him in on what’s happening with NuLulu. She leaves to go see Nikolas. Scotty threatens Luke. Exactly why was Scotty coming to the 10th floor if he didn’t know that Laura was back?

GH – Nikolas’ Room
Laura comes to see Nikolas. She tells him about Helena and Stavros being dead. What exactly happened to all the stuff on Cassadine Island? I assume that Luke and Laura didn’t just leave Helena dead on the slab and Stavros frozen in the lab? Maybe the WSB came and took over the island?

Floating Rib
Milo thinks he gets that Konnie is now all one person. He still backs away from her when she leans too close to him. He hopes that she won’t get all grope-y again, especially since she and Sonny are together. She tells him that she and Sonny aren’t together anymore. He’s sorry to hear that. He tells her how he’s always choosing the wrong girl. It started with Lulu.

Sonny says that Konnie’s now one person, but in order to stay that way, they can’t be together. Brenda understands that. She wonders if their bumping into each other isn’t a sign that they should be together.

Floating Rib
Felix and Sabrina talk about their love lives. Sabrina offers to fix him up with someone. He asks her who since they both know all the same people. Besides, he knows how slow she works. Felix: “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Sabrina says they’re not going slow; they’ve just been busy. Felix says that’s that Patrick said too. He told Patrick not to let Britta and the demon spawn come between them. Sabrina tells Felix that Britta’s having an abortion.

GH – 10th Floor Exam Room
NuLulu is being grilled by Patrick. Who’s the president? What state are they in? She stops him and says that she can remember all that stuff, just nothing about her life. He tells her not to panic. He feels that the memory loss is temporary. She knows it’s awful for them but every minute that she doesn’t remember them, it’s like it takes years off their lives. Dante is eavesdropping and he busts in to remind her that he loves her.

GH – Nikolas’ Room
Nikolas isn’t too shook up by the news. He mentions that he and Alexis are the only ones left. She reminds him that NuLulu and Lucky are his family.  What about Valentin Cassadine?

Kelly’s Diner
Michael thought that Carly would be relieved. She is but Brenda devastated a lot of people. Michael says that Sonny forgave him, but Brenda made him think he did. Carly says that she’s going to the airport. Michael: “This isn’t going to end well.”

Sonny says she makes everything so difficult. Brenda wonders what might have happened if he hadn’t torn up the letter. She tells him to move to Rome with her. No mob, no Carly, no Jax. The best Italian food on the planet. They could have a life together. Sonny says it’s just a pretty dream.

Floating Rib
Sabrina and Felix blah blah blah Patrick and Britta. Sabrina says she’s going to aggressive and ask Patrick out on a date, rather than wait for him.
Playing pool, Milo is telling Konnie that he never really put himself out there before until he met Lulu. Konnie wonders what happened. Milo says that she was into Logan, then Johnny, now Dante. There’s no coming between the two of them.

GH – 10th Floor Hallway
Scott tells Luke that there’s no way Luke will sleep with Laura again. Luke says he already did and if he doesn’t believe it, ask Laura. Scott says he will and turns to leave but Luke stops him and comes clean. They were drugged and clothed. It was innocent. Scott accuses Luke of wanting more.

GH – 10 Floor Exam Room
NuLulu says she doesn’t remember Dante. He seems like a great guy but she just has no memory.

GH – Nikolas’ Room (which is not on the 10th floor)
Laura is recapping the events on Cassadine Island and how she came to kill Stavros. Nikolas tells her that she shouldn’t feel guilty because if he had known what Stavros was going to do, he would’ve killed Stavros himself. Laura hesitates to tell him about NuLulu’s condition.

GH – 10th Floor Nurses Station
Patrick tells Dante that NuLulu just needs some space. Scott tells them that they have to band together to be strong for NuLulu.

Sonny says no. They’re both on the rebound. Maybe someday they’ll be together but right now, they need to heal from their recent wounds.

GH – 10th Floor Hallway
Patrick reads Britta’s latest text. It says that she’s made the appointment. Sabrina comes up and asks him out on a date. He agrees to the date. She leaves before she makes a fool of herself.

Floating Rib
Konnie asks if maybe Milo’s choosing women who are forbidden fruit. Milo says he’s sorry about her and Sonny. She tells him to cheer up. Maybe the girl of his dreams will come through the door at any moment. She leaves. So, the Floating Rib is a dive bar? I always thought it was a restaurant, sort of like an Outback Steakhouse. Wasn’t it that way back in the 90s when it first opened?

GH – 10th Floor Hallway
Nikolas has now joined the group. Scott tells her that Patrick wants to keep NuLulu overnight. Laura goes to tell her. Dante thanks Nikolas for his help with the whole thing. Laura comes running back. NuLulu has disappeared.

Floating Rib
In walks NuLulu. She sits next to Milo, who is EXTREMELY happy to see her, even though she doesn’t know him. Really? With no i.d., no money, and no memory of the town she is in, she manages to find a bar and wants to get a drink?

There’s an announcement to board for the flight to Rome. Sonny and Brenda say goodbye. Carly shows up and wants to know if she’s already gone. Sonny says yes. Carly tells him that Brenda lied about her and Michael to get back at Carly.

Brenda accepts a cup of coffee and looks wistful.

Kelly’s Diner
Michael drinks his coffee and remembers Brenda making him drink some coffee.

Okay. I’m not a fashion horse by any stretch of the imagination, but Brenda’s dress is so pretty. It’s this grey wool one piece that hits right at the knee and the skirt is bouncy and it’s rimmed in black. She’s paired it with a pair of black boots. So pretty.

Cold Open (that’s the opening before the title card)
-Spinelli’s on the phone with Sam, agreeing to take care of Danny for the day while she bonds with Rafe. Ellie overhears him saying that he’s happy to spend the day being Daddy for a Day.
-Maxie knocks on Konnie’s door. She’s reluctant to come in. When Konnie asks her what she’s afraid of, Maxie answers “You.”
-Olivia comes rushing into the airport waiting area, thinking she’s late. She’s got balloons and a “Welcome Home” sign. Sonny assures her that she’s not late. The flight’s been delayed. Olivia thinks that Lulu must be so happy to be coming home. Ummm…last I checked, unless you had a boarding pass, you weren’t allowed into the arrival/departure gates at airports anymore. Admittedly, I haven’t been on a plane in a long while. Has the rule changed?
-On the plane, NuLulu’s got ear buds in, the better to ignore the man she’s sitting next to (Dante). Dante’s just staring at her. Over in the next aisle, Laura is glad that Lulu agreed to come back with them. Luke says that it’s a miracle she did. Laura and Luke think taking her to GH would be the best bet. Back with Dante and Lulu, Dante’s trying to talk to NuLulu.
-Back at the airport, Olivia asks Sonny how he’s holding up after the whole Konnie issue.
-GH, 10th Floor Elevator: Carly pushes the button to call the elevator. AJ: “What’s in the bag, medication for your latest STD?” Carly tells him it’s anti rejection medication for Josslyn, which reminds AJ that her daughter got a kidney transplant. He immediately feels bad. He asks about Josslyn. Carly says she’s fine; it’s her son she’s worried about.
-At Kelly’s, Brenda confesses to Michael that they never had sex.

GH Airport
Olivia tells Sonny that she went to see Konnie when he told her that Konnie broke up with him. She believes that Konnie is hurting over this too. Sonny knows that for her health, Konnie has to let him go. Olivia doesn’t understand how not being with the one you love could be good for you.

Maxie isn’t sure who this woman standing before her is. Is she Connie? Is she Kate? The last time Maxie worked for her, she was Connie, pretending to be Kate, making her plan her wedding to Sonny. She made Maxie’s life hell, by telling her that her ideas were boring (Kate: “Well, they were a bit pedestrian.” ) and all she really wanted to do was make Sonny suffer in front of his friends. Konnie says that things are different now because she’s not the old Kate or Connie. She’s bit of both. Maxie hopes she kept the good parts. Connie offers Maxie a job.

Spinelli’s Apartment
Spinelli explains why he’s got Danny. Ellie explains that she likes kids. She just doesn’t want to have her own. She agrees to Danny staying overnight if Spinelli will help her find out Maxie’s secret. Spinelli says that relations between him and Maxie and Ellie are less than stellar and he’s not sure they should get involved. Ellie wants to know about Dante and Lulu.

Dante’s trying to remind NuLulu about the places in GH they loved. Laura wonders to Luke if he isn’t putting undue pressure on her. NuLulu tells “David” that she’s tired. He says that she’s just scared. He says that once she gets home, she’ll start to remember and they’ll be happy. He mentions their baby, which freaks NuLulu out.

GH – 10th Floor Elevator
AJ tells Carly to get over this whole Michael/Brenda thing. Carly says she won’t. Then she tells AJ to go away. He tells her that he knows where Brenda is.

Sonny tells Olivia about Michael and Brenda. Olivia can’t believe it. She says that Carly’s a better woman than her because she didn’t kill Brenda where she stood. Sonny says that Carly did it for Michael, but he asked Sonny to kill Brenda. Olivia asks how hard it was for him not to do that.

Michael can’t believe it. Brenda says she lied. He says up until now, she’s been making it seem like they did, so why did she lie? Brenda says that it was to get back at Carly.

NuLulu freaks out about “their baby.” Dante tries to explain but NuLulu gets more freaked out. Laura tells Dante to switch seats. Laura promises NuLulu that everything will be okay.

Maxie can’t believe it. Konnie says that she’s trying to make it up to her. Maxie is suspect. Konnie tell her she’s offering her a job, not a bomb. Maxie asks how she’s going to be treated. Konnie says that she doesn’t have to be mean and nasty anymore. Maxie says that this means that Konnie is the kinder, gentler her? Konnie says she’s not a pushover, but she’s not the meanie she was. Maxie says she did like working at Crimson. Konnie wants to talk about the baby situation.

Ellie says that if it were his kid, wouldn’t he want to know if something was off? Spinelli tells Ellie to lay out the facts. She does. They think about it for a while and then Ellie thinks she’s got it.

Olivia asks Sonny if he would’ve killed Brenda if he hadn’t gotten the call about meeting Dante and the Gang at the airport. He doesn’t get a chance to respond because Olivia sees Dante and the Gang coming in. Wouldn’t there have been an announcement? She hugs Dante. Then goes to grab the balloons and goes to hug NuLulu, but she freaks out. Olivia doesn’t get what’s going on.

GH – 10th Floor Elevator
Carly wants to know where Brenda and Michael are. AJ won’t tell her. Seriously, this is the longest elevator wait ever. Normally, when someone pushes the button, the elevator comes right away.

Brenda’s telling Michael about how Carly trashed her life. She explains how Michael came to be in her bed and how she wanted to stick it to Carly. Basically, he was drunk and she tried to get him to drink coffee and get into the shower. Instead, he disrobed and passed out on the bed. She slept on the couch, but decided to mess with Carly. So she called the front desk to get room service and make it so that Carly would “catch” them. Michael says that Carly was right, Brenda was using him.

Kate is blathering on about how women say they’re going to come back to work but then decide that the baby’s more important and she sees that happening with Maxie. Maxie tells Konnie that the baby belongs to Dante and Lulu. Konnie thinks that’s great since it means Maxie won’t need bonding time with the baby since it’s not hers and she won’t need maternity leave. Actually, FMLA rules say Maxie can get maternity leave, but hey, no one in the tv world pays attention to HR laws.

Ellie thinks that something’s wrong with the baby, medically, and Maxie’s terrified to tell Dante and Lulu.

Olivia thinks she might be hallucinating. NuLulu walks away, Laura goes after her. Luke fills them in. Over at the rental car counter, Laura is consoling NuLulu. They all just want her to be healthy. NuLulu says that she’s lost and they all want her to be someone she doesn’t remember.

GH – 10th Floor Elevator
AJ says he won’t tell her because it’s none of her business. Carly pulls a pair of scissors off a medical cart and threatens AJ’s private parts. AJ tells her where they are. Carly decides not to wait for the elevator.

Maxie agrees to take the job. Konnie says she’ll see her at 8:30am. Maxie leaves.  Connie looks at a picture of her and Sonny.

Brenda’s sorry that she used Michael to get back at Carly. Michael’s relieved. Brenda tells him that he’s destined to meet someone worth his while.

Ellie says that they need to find out what’s wrong with the baby, right as Maxie comes into the apartment. Oh, I guess she lives there too?  Maxie asks if Ellie’s still harping on the mystery of her baby.  Ellie covers and says no, they’re talking about Danny.  When Maxie goes to her bedroom, Ellie says that the fate of a baby and its parents hangs in the balance.  You know what?  Ellie is just asking for a world of hurt by pursuing this.  And even if it weren’t going to hurt her, she’s really pissing me off because this whole thing is NONE OF HER GODDAMN BUSINESS.  She is in no way shape or form related to this baby (as she sees it) and even if she was, it’s none of her business. 

Everybody leaves, except Sonny, who takes a call. After he gets off the call, he bumps into Brenda.

Carly walks in and sees Michael. She asks where Brenda is. Michael tells her that Brenda is gone.

So, I’m sorry but I’m not sure if I’m going to go back and fully recap the last week’s episodes.  My dog died on Thursday and the loss has made me not really care about anything or want to do anything other than the bare minimum.

Due to ABC News coverage of the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings and the search for the bombing suspects, today’s episode of General Hospital did not air.

An ABC spokesperson said that today’s episode will be aired on Monday, April 22, and subsequent episodes will be bumped back one day. There will be no “lost” episodes of this pre-emption.

The judge denies Lucy guardianship, so Sam steps up and takes him in.
Brenda and Michael talk. He tells her he told Sonny and she tells him that she has a confession to make.
Sonny and Carly discuss Michael and Brenda and then about Konnie (she’s integrated the two personalities and is going by her given name of Connie but Kate is in there somewhere).
Olivia tells Konnie that she better be very sure about dumping Sonny because she can’t turn back and undo it.
Elizabeth tells Nikolas about Dante, Lulu, Luke, and Laura coming home.
AJ warns Nikolas away from Elizabeth.

Lucy petitions for guardianship of Rafe.
Spinelli tells Sam about why AJ hired him.
AJ and Michael talk about stuff that happened during the week. Seriously, if you’re watching the show, why the hell do we need AJ and Michael to sum up what’s been going on?

Connie/Kate breaks up with Sonny.
Luke, Lulu, and Dante spend the hour trying to convince Lulu she’s not married to Stavros.
Britta tells Patrick she’s going to terminate the pregnancy.
Spinelli visits Heather Webber to find out where Lauren Frank is.

May 2024